The South Yorkshire Police Benevolent Friendly Society exists to meet the welfare needs of serving and retired officers and their families. This is for police officers only. Police Officers can elect to pay into the Benevolent Society upon joining SYP or at any point in their career up to 5 years before their projected retirement date. Deductions (£1.50 per pay day) are made from salary. The Committee should be made up of representatives from each District and Department (but inevitably there are often some gaps) and members of NARPO (National Association of Retired Police Officers). Only officers who pay into the Society or who have paid in during their service are entitled to be Committee members. Meetings are held about four times each year, and the one in June begins with the AGM where the Accountant attends to present the annual accounts, followed by a Committee meeting.
Members or retired members or someone on behalf of a member can put forward a request for a special grant. The requests that are most common are on behalf of elderly retired officers and usually come via the NARPO Committee Members.These ask for finance or a contribution towards stairlifts, bath lifts, electric wheelchairs and alterations to their homes to accommodate wheelchairs etc, sometimes short holidays. Usually these applications are discussed at a Committee meeting, but if the request looks too urgent to wait for a meeting, an emergency meeting can be called. If a special grant request is taken to a Committee meeting, the Committee can authorise an amount of up to £4000, however if this is done by the emergency meeting route there is a limit of £1000.
Each year the Society gives police widows and widowers a gift of £20. The payment will be included in the pension payment for December. Christmas cards are also sent to Police widows and widowers.
The benefits of being a member of the Society as can be seen are useful, particularly in retirement. Should you wish to know more about The Benevolent Society please do not hesitate to contact:-